Sunday, August 21, 2011

Freedom@Freedom Park

This was the first time I went to India against corruption movement here in Bangalore led by Anna Hazare.Last time Anna went on fast in April,I was procastinating on which day to go and show my support, but Anna won his war before I could make up my mind. It was a wonderful experience here at Freedom Park in Bangalore.Today being Sunday people from all walks of life were there to say united we stand against corruption; kids aged 4 to grand pa's and mom's, all were there. This movement started when the nation was unearthing scams after scams. People were totally annoyed at the volume of public money that has been siphoned off by our elected corrupt officials in WHITE.
The mood in freedom park was that of annoyance, but clam expressions. People were allowed to come to stage and sing songs, read poems, enact skits and express thier views. The public who were coming in like an army of ants all excited and shouting slogans, there seem no end to humanity. Most of them were carrying the tri colour or banners and posters. I think the best events that I witnessed here was song by Vasu Dixit of Swarathma band and unfurling of 2532 sq ft of the national flag, now beleive me that got the crowd excited.
With all said and done,debate is still on with the methods employed by Anna,that he is black mailer, his methods are not just and so on and so forth. But the cuase is more just,that is what I think. And the methods are merely to get attention of parliment. The youth of this country has woken up and Anna,has become a demi god of anti corruption. A American student from Ohio said "the social cause that the people of this country are crusading against is inspiring" . Infact international press has quoted "after Gandhi, now is the time under anna and his team that democracy is tested". Well one thing that I said to my self is not pay bribe no matter what. Hope to visit once more to freedom park.

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