Friday, July 10, 2009

Behen Ji PAGAL ho gayi

Recently we all would have heard about Mayawati unveiling her own statues in UP and some more blue Elephant statues that are in the pipeline. Blue Elephant is the party symbol of BSP. Lo behold the latest, self proclaimed godess added to Hindu Mythology. Like we were short of godesses in our long list of Gods that rule every nook and courner in this vast and diverse country. I wonder how people of UP are feeling now looking at this idol every day, for how many is it a good look charm, for how many it brings bad luck and for many birdies is the best place to poop :-). Bitch are you out of your mind, eating from the peoples money and geting worthless statues placed all over the state. Are you Mother Teresa or some big personality (like Rocky Balboa) to have a statue and people to worship you. You fool go and do your job rather than thinking how to spend the money in the treasury and how to have birthday bash. You are suppose to serve us and not eat us. God it eats up to think about how the city looks like with these statues and the worst part is that it is gonna stay there for the years and generations to come. I demand that the government at the central takes some action on this godless act and maybe even make a rule of not erecting the statues of worthless people. Let there be some guidelines for a person to be captured in bronze and displayed for public affection.

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