Sunday, May 03, 2009


Kids are making news now a days. They are in the news for winning a singing competition, chocking to death, ragging juniors, some loosing their sight and ability to hear. Looks like they are here for more of wrong reasons than good ones. Looks like there is a drastic change in the way todays generation is growing up and looking at things in life. There are a lot of changes in the ways the kids are growing up today that are very visible to me, more to my parents and older generations. For instance eating habits, burgers, pizza and coke compared to roti, dal and nimboo pani. Ease of clearing exams, it was not easy and funny to face an exam in those days. There was a hell lot of pressure to perform and out perform. There is a lot of dependency on peers and others in the family making kids not to think about situations, for instance they are not able to walk a km to the grocery store to fetch some goodies. Well i guess there will be more to talk about.
The reason why this blog has come up is the recent death of a student in school who choked herself because of asthama. there was a hue and cry that the school was not well equiped medically and they killed her. Hello come on it is a school not a sursing home. Well there is another question to be asked, why want she carrying a inhaler if she was a patient of asthama? Well today the news has died in the media but is sure is worthy to ponder about. Are we killing our children? Feeding them with fast food without giving a second thought on how it would affect them. Exposing to them to pollution in cities, i guess we all are responsible for that. Not encouraging them to have some physical activity, that could help a lot. Children are pampered a lot than ever before. It is not that i m jealous out here, but i wouldnt mind having a life like this when i was a kid :-). But surely i will not like to be like to be them.
Raggin has been other life clincher. The whole concept is screwed up. I like ragging and getting ragged. It was an ice breaker between seniors and juniors that is suppose to open up avenues academically and personally. There are a lot of things that schools, colleges, teachers and parents cannot teach. But friends and seniors can. This was one way to get to know people better and learn and exchange ideas. But now a days it is becoming a curse to send students to live in hostel and learn. Looks like the seniors that they are alpha male and can do what ever pleases them. Their actions are reflecting the mind set that they have violent and explosive.
It sure will be a long way to go. I guess we are moving the west way and we will go a full circle before we come back to the traditional India way.

1 comment:

meenakshinambiar said...

well...your argument is valid, but asthma is also caused mainly due to polluted air, and it is also genetic in some cases and anything could trigger it habits is the cause of mainly lifestyle diseases including diabetes. But yes, children getting trigger happy in schools and killing classmates, ragging leading to suicide etc. are all the outcomes of society having gone awry. Makes you wonder "Where did we go wrong?" Thoughtful blog that raises pertinent questions