I had talked abt the Indian marriage fun-fare, fan-fare, hoopla-la and the shit that happens in this occasion. I have more to talk abt the thing that happens before the boy or the girl or the parents of both the families give their final consent. The usual process
- the girl sees the boys photo and vice-a-versa
- Both of them agree and a meeting is set up usually in the girls place until the families or the individuals are daring enough to meet some where else to decide upon if the other can control their lives.
- The boy and girl see each other have a small chat in private.
- consent from both the families are exchanged after some days
- if it is a NO then no issues repeat the above again......if a yes then follow on
- the Horoscope of the bride and the groom are exchanged and matched
- if not matched then no problem repeat the above again else follow on
- once the stars and sun are in aligned in the right direction a date is set for the engagement
- engagement is done on the fixed day......yummy food
- Bride and groom are to be married woodbeeeeeees in a short time say two to three months.
- marriage day comes get marred(yummy foooood) go to honey-moon, return back to home.......return early to home from ofc in the pretext of ****
- And life goes on & on & on & on & on....
In these 12 steps to a great marriage and future married life a lot of things can happen in between. Like pursuing the girl or the boy to get married. This is the most shitties job one can imagine. Telling the boy or girl why he or she should marry her or him. It is like selling Ice creams in
why the ppl cant just choose their partners, fuck the process let it be limited to the meeting part upto point2 and let them decide if they are compatible with each other? at least they have themselves to blame of anything goes wrong in the future.